ClintCearley on DeviantArt

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ClintCearley's avatar

Demon Cult Priest - MTG


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I did this pic for a Magic: The Gathering card in the Innistrad set. The card name is Disciple of Griselbrand.
There are some sweet pieces being made for Innistrad so keep it on your radar. You can read more on it here.
While I experimented with more dynamic compositions and am a fan of them, this simple take proved to say it best. Nothing flashy, just a twisted priest having his daily chant over the sacred altar in a creepy room. Of course, the chance to paint skin tones in lime green is always nice.
Image size
1000x700px 195.2 KB
© 2011 - 2024 ClintCearley
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IlyaRysenkov's avatar

His card text:

1, Sacrifice a creature: You gain life equal to the sacrificed creature's toughness.

I liked to sacrfice Lord of the Pit using this card. It's so ironic!

Love this picture, but I could only now realize it's an old man; I always thought it was a cultist with weird mutations!